Individual Files
- GraphEx Proceedings 2012
- Group Photo
Day One
- GraphEx Overview - Nadya Bliss and Benjamin Landon
- Keynote - Secondary Actors and Communicative Reach - Kathleen Carley
- Analysis of Dynamic Social Networks - Tanya Berger-Wolf
- Cascades in Networks and Aggregate Volatility - Asu Ozdaglar, et al
- Connectivity and Resilience of Large-scale Wireless Networks: A Percolation View - Edmund M. Yeh
- Context-Sensitive Detection of Local Community Structure - L. Karl Branting
- Distributed Storage and Interactive Analytics for Graph-Structured Data - Alvin AuYoung
- Diffuse Interface Methods on Graphs for Classification of High Dimensional Data - Andrea Bertozzi
- Rethinking Network Structure: The Role of Dynamic Interactions in the Analysis of Network Structure - Kristina Lerman
- Social Networks and Data Processing - Devavrat Shah
- Graph Exploitation Testbed - Peter Jones and Eric Robinson
Day Two
- Keynote - Null Models for Network Data - Patrick J. Wolfe
- Influence Propogation in Large Graphs: Theorems and Algorithms - B. Aditya Prakash and Christos Faloutsos
- Detection of Anomalous Events in Large-Scale Graphs - Matthew C. Schmidt
- Theoretical and Statistical Formulations of Link Prediction Heuristics - Deepayan Chakrabarti, et al
- Community Detection: A Bayesian Approach and th Challenge of Evaluation - Cynthia A. Phillips, et al
- Heterogeneous Graphs in Social Business - Kush R. Varshney, et al
- Multiple Media Content Graphs: Design and Experiments - Charlie Dagli, et al
- Vertex Nomination via a Consistent Dot Product Embedding for Stochastic Blockmodel Graphs - Carey E. Priebe
- Diffuse Interface Methods on Graphs: Data Clustering and Gamma-Limits - Yves van Gennip