Individual Files
- GraphEx Proceedings 2024
- Graphex 2024 Group Photo
Day One
- Keynote - Graphs and the Grounding Problem - William Corvey
- Neighborhood Adaptive Estimators for Causal Inference under Network Interference - Alexander Volfovsky
- Graph Neural Networks for Causal Inference in Brain Networks - Simon Wein
- The Science of Structural Intelligence - Damon Centola
- Durably Reducing Conspiracy Beliefs through Dialogues with AI - David Rand
- Quantifying the Impact of Misinformation and Vaccine-Skeptical Content - Jennifer Allen
- Rethinking Consent in Socially-Networked Environments with Models of Distributed Consent - Juniper Lovato
Day Two
- Keynote - Graph Generation via Autoregressive Diffusion - Leman Akoglu
- Generating Low-Rank Graphs - Vagelis Papalexakis
- Giving a Voice to Your Graph: Representing Structured Data for LLMs - Bryan Perozzi
- Complex Network Effects on the Robustness of Graph Convolutional Networks - Benjamin Miller
- Deep Generative Models for Drug Discovery - Wengong Jin
- Predicting Traffic Intensity with Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Networks: A Case Study during Road Network Maintenance - Elenna Dugundji
- Higher-Order Equivariant Neural Networks for Charge Density Prediction in Materials - Teddy Koker
- Scaling up Multi-Agentic Reasoning Systems - Sutanay Choudhury
- Causal Influence Pathway Quantification on Social Networks - Ed Kao, Yaron Rachlin, et al.
- Graph Theoretic Approaches for Neural Network Sparsification - Esha Datta et al.
- Bayesian Spectral Graph Denoising with Smoothness Prior - Sam Leone
- Clio: Real-Time Task-Driven Open-Set 3D Scene Graphs - Matthew Trang
- Elucidating US Import Supply Chain Dynamics: A Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Network Approach - Nikolay Aristov and Ziyan Li
- Zero-Shot Relation Exaction Using Large Language Models - Olga Simek et al.
- Exploiting Community Structure for Author Verification, Giselle Zino and Ana Smith
- Graph Neural Network Application to Ocean Forecasting - Caroline Keenan
- Higher-Order Network Effects on Information Access Efficiency and Equality - Samantha Dies
- Measuring Aleatoric Uncertainty in Node Embedding - Zohair Shafi
- Tight Practical Bounds for Subgraph Densities in Ego-centric Networks - Connor Mattes
- Shortest Path Network Interdiction with Asymmetric Uncertainty - She’ifa Punla-Green